Rytmos is coming

Rytmos is coming

Floppy Club has revealed that their peaceful puzzle game Rytmos will be coming to Nintendo Switch. The game is currently scheduled to be released in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Rytmos is a peaceful puzzle game in which you solve mazes to make music.


About Rytmos

Travel from planet to planet in search of the music hiding therein.

Solve the six riddles on the planet’s sides by sketching a route that finishes where it began, forming a loop.

Listen to the music gradually emerge as the loops create unique melodic sequences that overlay with the rest of the planet’s loops.

Play on top of the world’s music with a wide range of fun unlocked musical gadgets.

The cosmos is filled with cubic planets, each with six maze-puzzles to complete. Swiping the pointer in a certain direction will draw the route in the labyrinth as long as there is a surface below. The cursor triggers various tones, percussive components, or musical chords by touching so-called sound emitters along the path.

With each new side of a planet solved, a new audio loop is added to the preceding one, exposing more and more of a musical composition.


Throughout the game, you will listen to music influenced by genres such as Zimbabwean Kalimba music, Ethiopian Jazz music, German electronic music from the 1970s, circuit bending, Indonesian Gamelan music, Japanese environmental music, and many more.


As you go through the game, you will uncover musical instruments or modifiers that will allow you to jam along with and change the melodic loops from the planets. You will be able to unlock instruments such as a Kalimba, Percussion, Vibraphone, Gamelan percussions, and 80’s synthesizers, among others.

You will also have access to musical modifiers such as a Bit crusher, Lowpass filter, Delay, and Scale changer.

The further you get in the game, the more intricate the alterations and jams you may do.