Sonic Frontiers – Sights, Sounds, and Speed Update – New Challenges and Features

Sonic Frontiers – Sights, Sounds, and Speed Update – New Challenges and Features

The Sights, Sounds, and Speed update for Sonic Frontiers is set to launch this week, introducing new challenge modes, a Photo Mode, and a Jukebox for players to enjoy. Delve into the details of these exciting new features and learn about what’s in store for future updates in this comprehensive overview.

Sights, Sounds, and Speed Update

The highly anticipated Sights, Sounds, and Speed update for Sonic Frontiers is just around the corner. This first major content update will bring fresh challenges and engaging features to players, offering new ways to explore the world of Starfall Islands. With the update launching on March 22, 2023 (March 23 in Europe), fans are eager to dive into the new content and experience everything it has to offer.

New Challenge Modes

The Sights, Sounds, and Speed update introduces two exciting challenge modes for players to tackle after completing the main story campaign. Accessible via the title screen, these modes offer unique gameplay experiences and thrilling challenges.

Cyber Space Challenge

This time-attack mode puts players against the clock as they strive to complete multiple Cyber Space stages in a row. Speed and precision are key to mastering this challenge, encouraging players to refine their skills and push their limits.

Battle Rush

A timed-battle mode, Battle Rush has players facing off against multiple enemies, Guardians, and Titans in rapid succession. This adrenaline-fueled mode tests both your combat prowess and your ability to strategize under pressure.

Photo Mode

The addition of Photo Mode in the Sights, Sounds, and Speed update allows players to capture and share their favorite moments on Starfall Islands. Accessible through the pause menu, the freely moveable camera lets you frame the perfect shot, immortalizing your adventures in Sonic Frontiers.


Music has always been an integral part of the Sonic experience, and the Sights, Sounds, and Speed update brings the new Jukebox feature to Sonic Frontiers. With 53 song tracks available, players can listen to their favorite Sonic tunes while exploring the Starfall Islands. Thirteen songs are instantly accessible, while the remaining 40 can be unlocked by collecting Sound Memories scattered across the islands.

Upcoming Sonic Frontiers Updates

There’s more to look forward to in 2023, with two additional major Sonic Frontiers updates on the horizon. These updates promise to introduce new features, challenges, and even playable characters, ensuring that players remain engaged and entertained.


The Sights, Sounds, and Speed update for Sonic Frontiers brings exciting new content for players to enjoy, from challenging new game modes to immersive features like Photo Mode and the Jukebox. As fans eagerly await the launch of this update, they can also look forward to even more content and experiences in future updates. With so much to explore and discover, Sonic Frontiers continues to engage and captivate its player base.

  • When will the Sights, Sounds, and Speed update be released?
    • The update is set to launch on March 22, 2023 (March 23 in Europe).
  • How do I access the new challenge modes?
    • After completing the main story campaign, you can access the Cyber Space Challenge and Battle Rush modes via the title screen.
  • What is the purpose of Photo Mode?
    • Photo Mode allows players to capture and share memorable moments from their adventures on Starfall Islands.
  • How do I unlock new songs in the Jukebox?
    • To unlock the remaining 40 songs, collect Sound Memories on each island while exploring the Starfall Islands.
  • Are there more updates planned for Sonic Frontiers?
    • Yes, two more major updates are planned for 2023, featuring new features, challenges, and playable characters.