Splatoon 2 Rank X information

Splatoon 2 Rank X information

If the 3.0 update of Splatoon 2 comes out at the end of April, a new rank will also be added. Rank X, how it will look like? Let’s see.

A lot of new information about the new X rank has been published on the Japanese website of Splatoon. This rank will only be for the very best Splatoon players.

The X rank can therefore be seen as an eXtreme difficulty level. Players who are now in S + 10 or higher will automatically be transferred to this new rank.

For who is rank X?

As said before, this rank is only reserved for the best Splatoon players. It is the players who now have a rank higher than S + 10. To indicate how small this group is, Nintendo has released a table with a distribution of all players.

This table (made on 4 March) shows the distribution of all players over the vines. The vast majority of all players are somewhere between the A + and C rank. Only 13 percent know an S rank or higher. Of all Splatoon 2 players only 1% is higher than S + 10. This new rank has been created for that one percent of very competitive players.

Why is there a new rank?

The new rank comes to make fairer pots. Players who have reached rank S + are all thrown together at this time. Whether you are S + 1 or S + 20. To prevent this, rank X has been designed. Within this rank, players of equal level will be matched together.

How does the new rank X work?

How are they going to ensure that the jars are now fairer? It works just a bit different from the normal ranking system. Up to and including rank S + 10 you still get to see the bar that you have to fill up. If you lose too often, the beam breaks and you start again or you fall in rank.

From the moment you have achieved rank X you enter a new system. From then on they switch to “X power” in Dutch that is probably “X power”. Players within the X rank will be matched with people who have the same X power as possible. This X force will be reset every month on the first day of the month. If your X rank is too low at the time of such a reset, you will be reset to S + 9. That way you will have to keep playing to keep the X rank.

What is more going to change?

Because Nintendo wants to make the game better suited for competitive players with this update, there will also be some changes in the changing of stages. This change will not only affect the change of stages, but will also change the release of new stages and weapons. Where these were distributed in a month earlier, new weapons and stages will all be released at the beginning of the month.

In addition, there is a change when changing stages. Now every two hours there are about 20 different stages. Soon there will only be 8 stages per month between which there will be a change. In this way, players can become better acquainted with the stages and better gear their equipment and weapons. These 8 stages change every month. Incidentally, this has no effect on turf wars. There, all stages will still be exchanged.

When can we expect this update?

The update is scheduled for the end of April. Players who are currently in S + 10 or higher will be automatically transferred to rank X. On June 1st the first reset will take place.

From that moment on the reset will take place every first day of the month. This update is separate from the announced paid DLC. This will only come out in the summer of 2018 and will cost € 20.