Terry Bogard is listed as coming soon!

Terry Bogard is listed as coming soon!

The official Super Smash Bros Ultimate website notes that the upcoming DLC character, Terry Bogard, is now  listed as coming soon and not November 2019 anymore.

This suggests that Terry could be releasing within a couple few days as this seems equal to when  Joker was close to releasing, his listing was changed from April 2019 to coming soon.

About Terry Bogard

Terry Bogard is the main protagonist of the Fatal Fury franchise created by SNK. He has become an iconic character for SNK and has appeared in several other games outside of Fatal Fury (such as The King of Fighters and Super Smash Bros Ultimate).

Crime lord Geese Howard organized a tournament, dubbed The King of Fighters. Terry, Andy, and Muay Thai Kickboxing champion Joe Higashi would enter with the purpose of facing Geese.

The battle that followed would eventually see Terry defeating Geese, and for some time, it was thought that Geese perished in the battle. The next year saw Geese’s half-brother Wolfgang Krauser take control of The King of Fighters, and bringing the once Southtown-only tournament onto the world stage. The finals of this new tournament would again see Terry fighting the sponsor and him ultimately defeating Krauser.

Sometime later it was revealed that Geese had somehow survived his encounter with Terry. The two Bogards and friends learned of Geese’s intentions to retrieve the legendary Jin scrolls, Terry once again challenged and defeated him. Afterward, Geese fled. Terry had battled to the end of the tournament, defeating characters such as Yamazaki, until finally facing the Jin brothers. Standing now as the victor, Terry once again was the Champion.

However, Geese had escaped with the scrolls. During the next game, Real Bout Fatal Fury, Terry managed to get all the way through the tournament to Geese for one final blow. At the end of the fight, he knocked Geese off the edge of Geese Tower, but grabbed hold of Geese’s hand and tried to keep him from falling.

But this was not to be, as Geese knocked Terry’s hand away, falling to what is believed to be his permanent death. Sometime either before, or after their final conflict, Terry decides to become the guardian of a boy by the name of Rock Howard, which is Geese’s son.

Taking him in, he would teach him how to fight, as they traveled together around the world.