The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – A Record-breaking Success

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – A Record-breaking Success


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has taken the gaming world by storm, achieving unprecedented success and breaking numerous records. Nintendo’s latest installment in the beloved Legend of Zelda series has captivated players worldwide, leading to a remarkable sales performance. With its fast-paced gameplay, breathtaking visuals, and immersive storytelling, Tears of the Kingdom has become the fastest-selling game in the history of the franchise.

We delve into the global triumph of this Nintendo Switch masterpiece, exploring sales figures from different regions, celebrating its record-breaking launch, and acknowledging the passionate fanbase that has contributed to the enduring momentum of the franchise.

The Legend of Zelda franchise has a storied history of captivating players with its magical worlds, engaging quests, and memorable characters. Among its celebrated titles, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has emerged as a monumental success, captivating players and breaking records since its release. In this article, we embark on a journey through the global triumph of Tears of the Kingdom, exploring its remarkable sales figures, record-breaking achievements, and the profound impact it has had on the gaming landscape.

Global Success of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Sales Worldwide

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom made an indelible mark on the gaming industry by selling over ten million copies worldwide within its first three days. This staggering figure surpassed all expectations, cementing its place as one of the fastest-selling games of all time. Fans around the globe eagerly embraced the chance to return to the mystical realm of Hyrule and embark on a new epic adventure filled with mysteries and possibilities.

Fastest-selling Game in the Series

As the latest installment in the long-standing Legend of Zelda series, Tears of the Kingdom achieved a significant milestone by becoming the fastest-selling game in the franchise’s history. Surpassing its predecessors in terms of sales velocity, it demonstrated the enduring appeal and enduring legacy of this iconic gaming saga. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom captured the hearts and imaginations of both longtime fans and newcomers alike, solidifying its position as a monumental entry in the series.

Triumph in the Americas

Nintendo Switch Game Sales

The success of Tears of the Kingdom was particularly pronounced in the Americas, where over four million copies of the game were sold. This exceptional achievement not only highlighted the game’s captivating gameplay and engaging narrative but also solidified its status as a must-play title on the Nintendo Switch platform. Players across North and South America eagerly embraced the opportunity to explore the vast landscapes of Hyrule, uncovering its new mysteries and possibilities.

Fastest-selling Nintendo Game in the Americas

The overwhelming sales performance of Tears of the Kingdom in the Americas solidified its position as the fastest-selling Nintendo game for any system in the region. The game’s captivating world, rich storytelling, and innovative gameplay mechanics resonated deeply with players, driving unprecedented demand and creating a remarkable gaming experience. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom surpassed all expectations, becoming a cultural phenomenon and a testament to the enduring popularity of the franchise in the Americas.

Dominating Europe

Sales Numbers and Impact

The impact of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom extended far beyond the shores of the Americas. In Europe, the game made a significant splash, with sales numbers that exceeded projections and surpassed previous records. Players across the continent eagerly embraced the chance to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Hyrule and experience the epic adventure that Tears of the Kingdom had to offer.

Tears of the Kingdom’s Position in the Region

In the United Kingdom, Tears of the Kingdom quickly established itself as the biggest boxed release of the year. The game’s popularity soared, capturing the imagination of players and propelling it to become the eighth biggest Zelda game ever in the region. The enthusiasm and positive reception from fans highlighted the enduring appeal of the franchise and its ability to captivate audiences across generations.

Phenomenal Reception in Japan

Sales Performance and Fanbase

Unsurprisingly, Tears of the Kingdom enjoyed immense success in its home country of Japan. With over 2.24 million copies sold, the game found a devoted fanbase eager to explore the immersive world and delve into the captivating narrative. The Legend of Zelda has long been cherished by Japanese gamers, and Tears of the Kingdom continued the tradition, captivating players and igniting their imaginations with its seamless blend of exploration, puzzle-solving, and memorable characters.

Notable Achievement in France

Physical Copies Sold

The appeal of Tears of the Kingdom extended to France, where approximately 500,000 physical copies of the game were sold. The demand for tangible gaming experiences remains strong in the country, and Tears of the Kingdom’s physical release allowed players to immerse themselves fully in the adventure, holding the game cartridge in their hands and embarking on an unforgettable journey through Hyrule.

Boxed Release Success

In addition to the impressive physical copy sales, Tears of the Kingdom emerged as the biggest boxed release of the year in France. This achievement underscored the game’s popularity and demonstrated the excitement surrounding its launch. French gamers eagerly embraced the opportunity to experience the magic and wonder of Hyrule firsthand, contributing to the widespread success of Tears of the Kingdom.

The UK’s Enthusiasm

Impressive Reception

The reception of Tears of the Kingdom in the United Kingdom was nothing short of exceptional. The game captured the hearts and minds of players across the nation, generating excitement and anticipation. The immersive gameplay, stunning visuals, and captivating storyline combined to create an unforgettable gaming experience. Tears of the Kingdom resonated with UK gamers, fueling their enthusiasm and sparking their creativity within the vast world of Hyrule.


Tears of the Kingdom’s success in the UK was not only evident in its widespread popularity but also in its ranking among other titles. As the eighth biggest Zelda game ever in the region, it solidified its place in gaming history. The enduring legacy of the franchise, coupled with Tears of the Kingdom’s exceptional qualities, propelled it to the upper echelons of gaming acclaim in the UK.


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has achieved phenomenal success on a global scale. From its record-breaking sales worldwide to its triumph in the Americas, dominating Europe, and captivating audiences in Japan, this game has left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape. The passion and enthusiasm of fans have propelled Tears of the Kingdom to new heights, making it the fastest-selling game in the history of the Legend of Zelda series.

With its immersive world, compelling storyline, and innovative gameplay, Tears of the Kingdom has captured the hearts of players across continents. Its success is a testament to the enduring appeal and legacy of the franchise, as well as Nintendo’s commitment to delivering captivating gaming experiences.

As fans continue to explore the mysteries of Hyrule and create their own stories within the game, Tears of the Kingdom has established itself as a monumental entry in the Legend of Zelda series. Its remarkable sales numbers, record-breaking achievements, and the passionate fanbase it has garnered are a testament to the enduring popularity and impact of this beloved franchise.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):
  • Q1: Can I play The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom on platforms other than the Nintendo Switch?
    • A1: No, Tears of the Kingdom is exclusively available on the Nintendo Switch.
  • Q2: How does Tears of the Kingdom compare to other Legend of Zelda games in terms of gameplay?
    • A2: Tears of the Kingdom offers a unique blend of exploration, puzzle-solving, and immersive storytelling, staying true to the essence of the Legend of Zelda series while introducing new mechanics and features.
  • Q3: Will there be additional downloadable content (DLC) for Tears of the Kingdom?
    • A3: Nintendo has announced plans for future DLC, expanding the game’s world and offering new adventures for players to embark upon.
  • Q4: What makes Tears of the Kingdom stand out from other Nintendo Switch games?
    • A4: Tears of the Kingdom stands out with its visually stunning graphics, captivating narrative, and a vast open world filled with secrets and quests to discover.
  • Q5: How has the success of Tears of the Kingdom impacted the future of the Legend of Zelda franchise?
    • A5: The tremendous success of Tears of the Kingdom has solidified the franchise’s position as a cornerstone of the gaming industry, ensuring a bright future for the Legend of Zelda series with more exciting adventures to come.