Ubitus and Microsoft Collaborate for Call of Duty … awaiting Regulatory Approval

Ubitus and Microsoft Collaborate for Call of Duty … awaiting Regulatory Approval

Ubitus, a white-label cloud gaming service, has signed a deal with Microsoft to bring the Call of Duty franchise to the Nintendo Switch. The collaboration is subject to regulatory approval of Microsoft’s proposed Activision-Blizzard merger. Ubitus

has previously enabled streaming of games like Control, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and Resident Evil on the platform.

Meet Ubitus

Ubitus, a renowned white-label cloud gaming service, has recently inked a deal with Microsoft to bring the much-awaited Call of Duty franchise to the Nintendo Switch platform. This partnership, however, is contingent upon the regulatory approval of Microsoft’s proposed merger with Activision-Blizzard. In this article, we will delve into the details of the collaboration, Ubitus’ previous partnerships, and the potential implications of the merger on the gaming industry.

Ubitus’ Previous Collaborations


Ubitus has an impressive track record of enabling popular games to be streamed on the Nintendo Switch. One such example is Control, a highly acclaimed action-adventure game developed by Remedy Entertainment. By leveraging Ubitus’ cloud gaming service, players were able to experience the game’s stunning visuals and engaging gameplay on their Switch devices.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Another successful partnership was with Ubisoft for the game Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. This action role-playing game, set in the world of ancient Greece, garnered a massive following and received praise for its immersive open-world exploration. Ubitus’ cloud streaming technology allowed Switch users to dive into the game’s vast universe without compromising on performance.

Resident Evil series

Ubitus also played a crucial role in bringing the popular Resident Evil series to the Nintendo Switch. Fans of the survival horror genre were thrilled to experience their favorite games, including Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, on the portable console, all thanks to Ubitus’ cloud streaming capabilities.

Microsoft’s Proposed Activision-Blizzard Merger

Overview of the merger

Microsoft’s intention to merge with Activision-Blizzard has sent shockwaves throughout the gaming industry. This merger, if approved, would result in a behemoth company with a multitude of popular franchises under its belt. The combined resources and intellectual properties could potentially reshape the gaming landscape.

Potential impact on the gaming industry

The merger’s approval could lead to an acceleration in cloud gaming adoption and the development of new gaming experiences. As Microsoft acquires more gaming assets, they could further invest in improving their cloud gaming services and expanding their reach to even more platforms like the Nintendo Switch.

Regulatory considerations and approval process

The proposed merger’s success hinges on regulatory approval, which is currently being reviewed by relevant authorities. Regulators will examine the deal’s impact on the gaming market and whether it could stifle competition. The outcome of the review process will play a crucial role in determining the fate of the Ubitus-Microsoft partnership for the Call of Duty franchise.

Implications of the Ubitus-Microsoft Partnership

Benefits for Nintendo Switch users

If the merger receives regulatory approval, Nintendo Switch users can look forward to enjoying the Call of Duty franchise on their devices. This addition will further enhance the Switch’s already diverse library of games and cater to the growing demand for high-quality, AAA titles on the platform.

Expansion of cloud gaming services

The Ubitus-Microsoft collaboration could also pave the way for the expansion of cloud gaming services on the Switch and other platforms. As more major titles become available through cloud streaming, gamers worldwide can benefit from greater accessibility and convenience without having to invest in expensive hardware.

Competition and innovation in the gaming industry

The partnership could also foster healthy competition and spur innovation in the gaming industry. As cloud gaming services continue to evolve and improve, other companies may be inspired to invest in similar technologies and develop novel gaming experiences for their audiences.


The Ubitus-Microsoft collaboration for the Call of Duty franchise on the Nintendo Switch is an exciting development for gamers and the industry as a whole. While the success of this partnership depends on the regulatory approval of the Activision-Blizzard merger, the potential benefits are significant. Nintendo Switch users can look forward to an even more diverse gaming library, while the industry may see an expansion in cloud gaming services and increased competition. Ultimately, this collaboration has the potential to reshape the gaming landscape and create new, engaging experiences for players worldwide.

  • 1. What is the Ubitus-Microsoft partnership about?
    • The partnership involves Ubitus, a white-label cloud gaming service, collaborating with Microsoft to bring the Call of Duty franchise to the Nintendo Switch, contingent upon regulatory approval of Microsoft’s proposed Activision-Blizzard merger.
  • 2. Which games has Ubitus previously brought to the Nintendo Switch?
    • Ubitus has successfully enabled streaming of games like Control, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and the Resident Evil series on the Nintendo Switch platform.
  • 3. What is the Activision-Blizzard merger?
    • The Activision-Blizzard merger is a proposed deal in which Microsoft intends to merge with Activision-Blizzard, potentially creating a gaming industry giant with numerous popular franchises under its control.
  • 4. How does the Activision-Blizzard merger affect the Ubitus-Microsoft partnership?
    • The success of the Ubitus-Microsoft partnership for bringing the Call of Duty franchise to the Nintendo Switch depends on the regulatory approval of the Activision-Blizzard merger.
  • 5. What are the potential implications of the Ubitus-Microsoft collaboration for the gaming industry?
    • The collaboration could lead to benefits for Nintendo Switch users, expansion of cloud gaming services, and increased competition and innovation in the gaming industry.