Unlocking Galios, Umbras, and Season 5: TemTem’s Version 1.5 Update

Unlocking Galios, Umbras, and Season 5: TemTem’s Version 1.5 Update


In the ever-evolving world of TemTem, version 1.5 has arrived with a flourish, introducing a host of exciting features that promise to reshape your gaming experience. Journey with us as we delve into the mystical realm of Galios, the enigmatic Mythical Temtem, discover the elusive Umbras, and embark on an extended Season 5, the Endless Night. Alongside these revelations, we’ll unravel the mysteries of the Randomized Challenger Mode, explore revamped Lairs, and even get a sneak peek at Luma Dyes. It’s a world brimming with challenges, rewards, and surprises. Join us as we navigate the ever-expanding universe of TemTem.

Meet Galios

In the ever-evolving world of TemTem, version 1.5 has arrived with a flourish, introducing a host of exciting features that promise to reshape your gaming experience. Journey with us as we delve into the mystical realm of Galios, the enigmatic Mythical Temtem, discover the elusive Umbras, and embark on an extended Season 5, the Endless Night. Alongside these revelations, we’ll unravel the mysteries of the Randomized Challenger Mode, explore revamped Lairs, and even get a sneak peek at Luma Dyes. It’s a world brimming with challenges, rewards, and surprises. Join us as we navigate the ever-expanding universe of TemTem.

The Mythical Temtem

Galios, the enigmatic Mythical Temtem, takes center stage in the version 1.5 update. This awe-inspiring creature brings a unique blend of power and mystique to the Archipelago. If you’re wondering how to unlock this elusive Temtem, you’re in for an adventure. Galios’ presence is marked by a brand new quest that begins at Nanto Labs in Cipanku. As you embark on this quest, you’ll ascend to unprecedented heights and journey to Galios’ hidden Lair.

But Galios isn’t the only revelation in store. As you traverse the vast and distant lands in pursuit of this legendary Temtem, you’ll encounter a mysterious Order with intriguing schemes. Their involvement in your quest adds an extra layer of depth to the storyline, making this update a must-play for Temtem enthusiasts.

Umbras: The Dark Temtem

For those who have eagerly anticipated the arrival of Umbras, your patience has finally been rewarded. These shadowy creatures, known as Umbras, are a new type of Temtem, characterized by their dark and unique coloring. Think of them as the Lumas’ enigmatic counterparts. However, obtaining Umbras is no small feat; they won’t simply appear in your path.

To add to the challenge, Umbras will only spawn once you’ve completed their respective quests and defeated the formidable Galios. These quests will put your skills and determination to the test, ensuring that Umbras are a true achievement for the most dedicated players. Keep in mind that Umbras have a base rate of appearance of 1/75,000, making them exceedingly rare.

There are three methods to obtain Umbras. The first is through wild encounters, where Umbras may appear in any battle where Lumas could appear as well. If Lumas are restricted in certain activities or battle types, Umbras will be similarly limited. Another method is breeding; Umbras themselves are infertile, but Luma parents can produce Umbra offspring. The rate of obtaining an Umbra through breeding is influenced by the base rate, and if both parents are Lumas, the chances are significantly boosted.

The third method involves Umbra Radars, which are similar to regular Radars but exclusively boost the odds of encountering Umbras. These can be acquired with Luma Drops in Nanto Labs. The rate at which Umbra Radars increase the odds depends on your current radar capture number, providing an added layer of strategy for dedicated Temtem collectors. All Umbras come with standardized stats, including 50 SVs, pre-learned Egg Techniques, and zero fertility, and they are soulbound.

It’s worth noting that anything that boosts Luma chances, such as Saipark or Temtem radars, does not affect Umbra chances unless explicitly stated. The introduction of Umbras is a testament to the dedication and effort required by the most committed players. They are indeed a lofty goal, and while the odds may not be in everyone’s favor, they offer a thrilling challenge for Temtem trainers. 

TemTem Season 5: Endless Night

With the version 1.5 update, TemTem’s Season 5 has dawned, and it brings with it an aura of darkness and intrigue that all TemTem trainers can appreciate. Aptly named the “Endless Night,” this season promises an extended duration, stretching from September 25th, 2023, to January 29th, 2024. This extra month gives players ample time to immerse themselves in the new content, explore the challenges, and reap the rewards.

The Endless Night season isn’t just about aesthetics; it also introduces two exciting events. The first of these events is a Halloween-themed celebration that is sure to add a spooky twist to your TemTem adventures. Prepare for eerie encounters, special challenges, and unique rewards that capture the spirit of the season.

Challenger Mode: Randomized

For players seeking a fresh and unpredictable experience, the Randomized mode is a delightful addition to TemTem. Similar to the Randomlocke mode, it offers a twist on the standard gameplay without the unforgiving Nuzlocke rules. This means your Tems won’t permanently faint, and you’re free to catch more than two per route, opening up exciting possibilities for your team composition.

In this mode, randomness is the name of the game. You’ll encounter randomized Temtem in the wild, each with its unique set of Techniques. Additionally, you’ll discover items scattered throughout the world that have also been randomized, adding a layer of unpredictability to your journey. 

The Randomized mode isn’t just a solo endeavor; you can team up with others in co-op play, as long as you adhere to the Challenge modes’ co-op rules. This collaborative aspect adds a new dimension to the gameplay and opens up opportunities for coordinated strategies.

As you dive into the Randomized mode, be prepared for an entirely fresh experience that will challenge your adaptability and strategic thinking. Plus, there are exclusive rewards and kudos awaiting those who dare to embrace the randomness.

Lairs v2: Revamped Challenges

The version 1.5 update has also brought significant changes to Lairs, enhancing the cooperative gameplay experience. The most notable change is the introduction of new party sizes for Lairs. Now, you can form parties of 1 and 2 players, providing more flexibility for those who may not have reached the endgame yet.

To make Lairs more accessible, the number of Jewels required to access the Mythical boss has been adjusted according to the party size. Smaller parties require fewer Jewels, making it easier for players to jump into Lair battles and enjoy cooperative play. Rewards have also been adjusted to align with party size, ensuring that players receive appropriate compensation for their efforts.

However, the 3-to-5-person Lairs remain the most challenging and offer the most substantial rewards. These larger Lairs are designed for players seeking the ultimate test of their skills and teamwork. In particular, they provide boosted Luma rates when obtaining Mythical eggs, adding an enticing incentive for seasoned Temtem trainers.

As a further enhancement to the cooperative aspect of Lairs, a new trading node has been introduced. Players within the same Lair can now engage in trades, promoting collaboration and teamwork. To initiate a trade, the player reaching the Node must ensure that the receiving player is out of combat.

These changes aim to improve the overall experience of Lairs, encouraging more players to participate and fostering a sense of cooperation among Temtem trainers. Additionally, the introduction of the pity system ensures that even partial Lair progress is rewarded, making the journey through Lairs more fulfilling for all participants.

Casual Dojo Rematches

TemTem trainers, both seasoned and newcomers, can now enjoy a revamped Dojo rematch experience. When approaching any Dojo Master, you’ll be presented with a choice of difficulty levels: Disciple and Casual. The Casual Rematches have been thoughtfully scaled down, making them more accessible to players who haven’t yet reached the endgame. This adjustment provides an excellent opportunity for less-experienced trainers to practice their skills and gradually prepare for more challenging battles.

An intriguing aspect of these rematches is that you can complete the Casual option before moving on to the Disciple option. However, if you choose to conquer the Disciple option first, the Casual version will be automatically considered completed, and you’ll receive the corresponding rewards. This flexibility ensures that TemTem trainers of all levels can enjoy the revamped Dojo rematches, with the choice to tailor the experience to their skill and progress.

Luma Dyes Preview in the Luma Drops Store

Customization has always been a significant aspect of the TemTem experience, allowing trainers to express their unique style. With the introduction of Luma Dyes preview in the Luma Drops store, this aspect has reached new heights. Now, before you make a purchase, you’ll have the opportunity to preview how Luma Dyes will look on your TemTem.

This feature simplifies the process of selecting the perfect dye for your TemTem’s appearance. Rather than making a blind purchase, you can see the changes firsthand as they preview over a generic t-shirt. It’s a small but valuable addition that enhances the customization options available to TemTem trainers.


As we conclude our journey through TemTem’s version 1.5 update, it’s clear that the game continues to evolve and surprise its dedicated community of trainers. Galios, Umbras, Season 5, the Randomized Challenger Mode, revamped Lairs, and various quality-of-life improvements have reinvigorated the TemTem universe.

Whether you’re a competitive battler, a collector aiming for Umbras, or simply an adventurer seeking new challenges, this update has something for you. The extended Season 5 ensures you have ample time to explore the mysteries it holds, and the introduction of Luma Dyes preview adds an extra layer of personalization to your TemTem companions.

So, as you embark on your TemTem journey in version 1.5, remember that the Archipelago is richer and more dynamic than ever before. There’s no shortage of adventures, surprises, and strategic battles waiting for you. Embrace the darkness of the Endless Night, uncover the secrets of Galios, and conquer the challenges that await in TemTem’s ever-expanding world.

  • FAQ 1: How rare are Umbras in TemTem, and where can I find them?
    • Answer: Umbras are exceedingly rare, with a base rate of appearance of 1/75,000. They won’t spawn until you’ve completed their respective quests and defeated Galios. You can find them in the wild, through breeding, or by using Umbra Radars.
  • FAQ 2: Can I trade with other players in TemTem Lairs?
    • Answer: Yes, you can! The introduction of a trading node in Lairs allows players within the same Lair to engage in trades. Just ensure that the receiving player is out of combat to initiate a trade.
  • FAQ 3: What’s the significance of the pity system in Lairs?
    • Answer: The pity system ensures that you receive 100 Pansuns for each successfully conquered node in a Lair, even if you don’t defeat the boss or complete the Lair. It adds a rewarding aspect to Lair progress.
  • FAQ 4: Are Umbras related to Lumas in TemTem?
    • Answer: Umbras are the dark and rarer counterparts of Lumas. While they share some similarities, they have distinct qualities and appearances. Umbras are a challenging addition to the TemTem universe.
  • FAQ 5: How do I preview Luma Dyes in the Luma Drops store?
    • Answer: To preview Luma Dyes, visit the Luma Drops store and select the dye you’re interested in. It will preview over a generic t-shirt, allowing you to see how it will appear on your TemTem before making a purchase.