Vampire Survivors Space-54 Update: New Characters, Weapons, and Cosmic Adventures

Vampire Survivors Space-54 Update: New Characters, Weapons, and Cosmic Adventures


Embark on a cosmic adventure with the Space-54 update for Vampire Survivors. This update, also known as version 1.9, introduces two new characters, four weapons, a space-themed stage, and a relic for random level up choices. Delve into the delights and dangers of the cosmos as you explore this free update, available now for Switch players.

Vampire Survivors Space-54 Update

The Space-54 update for Vampire Survivors marks a significant addition to the game’s content lineup. Named after the original engine of the game, Phaser framework, this update brings a plethora of new features, characters, weapons, and challenges, all set in the vast expanse of space.


New Content Features

Bat Robbert

Bat Robbert joins the roster of Vampire Survivors characters, bringing unique abilities to the game. His special ability activates when his health falls below 20%, granting him a significant boost in MaxHP and health recovery. This ability recharges every time Bat Robbert is fully healed, making him a formidable ally in the battle against the undead.

Space Dude

Space Dude offers a distinctive playstyle with his ability to fire all weapons every few seconds, regardless of their cooldown. This ability adds a dynamic element to gameplay, allowing players to unleash a barrage of attacks on their enemies. However, the cooldown of this ability is influenced by the character’s Cooldown stat, requiring strategic management to maximize its effectiveness.

New Weapons

Pako Battiliar

The Pako Battiliar is a versatile weapon that may retaliate when the wielder loses health. This unique trait provides an added layer of defense, allowing players to deal damage to enemies even in the face of adversity. Mastering the Pako Battiliar requires precise timing and strategic positioning to unleash its full potential on the battlefield.


The Phas3r weapon introduces a new gameplay mechanic with its ability to generate thin damaging zones. With high amount scaling, the Phas3r is capable of dealing substantial damage to multiple enemies within its range. Players must strategically position themselves to maximize the effectiveness of the Phas3r, utilizing its unique zoning capabilities to control the battlefield.

New Stage


Space54 offers players a cosmic trek through horrors and delights, set against the backdrop of the vast expanse of space. This new stage presents unique challenges and opportunities for players to explore, with visually stunning environments and immersive gameplay mechanics. Prepare to face off against formidable foes as you navigate through the mysteries of Space54.

New Relic

The Space-54 update introduces a new relic that allows players to enable random level up choices. This relic adds an element of unpredictability to gameplay, providing players with the opportunity to discover new strategies and tactics. Experiment with different combinations of level up choices to customize your gameplay experience and conquer the challenges of Vampire Survivors.

Tribute to Phaser Framework

The Space-54 update pays homage to the Phaser framework, which served as the original engine for Vampire Survivors. This tribute highlights the game’s roots and celebrates the technological advancements that have shaped its evolution. By honoring the legacy of the Phaser framework, the Space-54 update embraces the spirit of innovation and creativity that defines Vampire Survivors.

Free Update Launch

The Space-54 update is available for free, offering players a wealth of new content and features at no additional cost. Dive into the cosmic adventure today and experience the thrill of space exploration in Vampire Survivors. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, there’s never been a better time to join the fight against the undead.

Switch players can rejoice as the Space-54 update is now available on their platform. Take your gaming experience to new heights with the latest content and features, optimized for the Nintendo Switch. Immerse yourself in the world of Vampire Survivors and embark on an epic journey through the cosmos, where danger lurks around every corner.


With the Space-54 update, Vampire Survivors continues to push the boundaries of innovation and creativity, delivering an unparalleled gaming experience to players worldwide. From new characters and weapons to a cosmic-themed stage and relic, this update offers something for everyone. Join the adventure today and discover the wonders of Space-54.

  • 1. What platforms is the Space-54 update available on?
    • The Space-54 update is available on all platforms that support Vampire Survivors, including PC, mobile, and Nintendo Switch.
  • 2. Can I access the new characters immediately after updating?
    • Yes, once you’ve updated to the Space-54 version, you’ll have access to the new characters, weapons, stage, and relic.
  • 3. Are there any additional in-game purchases with this update?
    • No, the Space-54 update is completely free and does not require any additional in-game purchases to access the new content.
  • 4. How do the new weapons differ from existing ones?
    • The new weapons introduce unique gameplay mechanics and abilities that differentiate them from existing weapons, offering players new strategies and tactics to explore.
  • 5. Is there a storyline associated with the new stage, Space54?
    • While Space54 offers a new setting for gameplay, there is no specific storyline associated with the stage. However, players can expect to encounter new challenges and enemies as they explore the cosmic horrors and delights of Space54.