The latest "capture" tags

Pokemon 2019 to feature a redesigned capture system

Pokemon 2019 to feature a redesigned capture system

We have recently seen a new but interesting rumor about the new Pokemon 2019 when it comes to a core game mechanic. This rumor, because we don’t think they will overhaul it again, comes from...
Thu 10-01-2019 20:09 | Nintendo Switch Rumors
Fortnite Video Capture support

Fortnite Video Capture support

The Nintendo Switch version of Fortnite was revealed in Nintendo’s E3 2018 Direct. As expected, we’ve been gradually learning more about it throughout the day. Video Capture Support We have now found out that the...
Thu 14-06-2018 14:40 | Nintendo Switch News
Tournament Update Rocket League almost upon us

Tournament Update Rocket League almost upon us

Previously, Psyonix announced that the Nintendo Switch version of Rocket League will receive a graphical update, but it does not stop there. The graphical update consists of improving resolution and graphic effects. Here the player...
Mon 02-04-2018 14:25 | Nintendo Switch News
Shovel Knight will support video capture

Shovel Knight will support video capture

One of the first games for the Nintendo Switch to appear was Shovel Knight. The platform game has a good increasing difficulty, so many moments are there that will give you satisfaction when you’ve (eventually)...
Sun 26-11-2017 13:39 | Nintendo Switch News