Pokemon Trading Card Game – Classic Set coming Late 2023

Pokemon Trading Card Game – Classic Set coming Late 2023

A fresh new commemorative set for the Pokemon Trading Card Game was unveiled by The Pokemon Company at the most recent Pokemon Presents event (TCG).

The set is named “Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic,” and it has all of the equipment and accessories a fan needs to play the Pokemon Trading Card Game. These gear and accessories include some damage counters, markers, and other items that have been developed in a way that is completely unique. It is anticipated that it will be made available some time in the latter half of 2023.


Classic Set

The Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic is a product that was developed for fans to play friendly bouts at any time and any place, allowing them to relive the timeless delight of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic has a playing board that folds up and is portable for two players, and it has card placement zones for your Active Pokémon, Benched Pokémon, deck, discard pile, and Reward cards. The board can also be folded up. Because of the compartment that is located in the middle of this board, it is also capable of holding up to three decks in addition to a toolbox that contains various accessories that are required for combat.

Within the toolbox, you’ll discover stacking damage counters that clearly show how much damage a Pokémon has suffered, three-dimensional Poison and Burn marks, and metal orbs that take the role of Pokémon currency. You will be able to roll these metal spheres down a little chute located in the middle of the toolbox. If an orb falls in a hole with a white border, it is counted as a head, and if it lands in a hole with a black border, it is counted as a tail. You won’t ever need to search for dice or money when you play the Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic since it comes with everything you need to play.

The following are included in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic:

  • The Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic comes with a foldable playing board that can be used to store all of the game’s components.
  • A container for holding various items, including stacking damage counters, markers for Poison and Burn, and metal orbs.
  • There are three Pokémon Trading Card Game decks including Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise, along with freshly produced cards to complement the older, more established ones.
  • There are three deck boxes with Energy symbols that correspond to the Pokémon Trading Card Game decks that are included.
  • In the latter half of 2023, the Pokémon Trading Card Game Classic will be made accessible at both the Pokémon Center and at local game shops.