Across the Obelisk Version 1.4.0: Detailed Update and Patch Notes

Across the Obelisk Version 1.4.0: Detailed Update and Patch Notes


The Across the Obelisk version 1.4.0 update brings a host of exciting changes and improvements to enhance the player experience. This update introduces a completely reworked sound system, including cycling hit sounds, drag sounds for cards, and new UI sounds. Players can now enjoy a characteristic sound indicating their turn in multiplayer games. Additionally, new events and challenges have been added across all zones, offering fresh content and diverse response options for heroes. The game is now fully translated into German and French, broadening its accessibility.

A new weekly challenge, Rise of the Machines, and a unique cardback have been introduced, along with four new cards and items. Wolf Wars receives notable updates with new skins for Young Reginald and Young Thuls, which can be used from the start upon owning the DLC. Balance changes have been implemented, adjusting boss immunities and the HP of Archon Nhir, among other modifications. Numerous card changes aim to refine gameplay mechanics, and various bug fixes ensure a smoother gaming experience. This update solidifies Across the Obelisk as a continually evolving and engaging game, with more exciting updates anticipated in the future.

Across the Obelisk Version 1.4.0

The latest update for Across the Obelisk, version 1.4.0, brings an array of exciting new features and improvements designed to enhance the player experience. This comprehensive update includes a reworked sound system, new events and challenges, language translations, a new weekly challenge, new skins, balance changes, card updates, and crucial bug fixes. These enhancements aim to provide players with a richer, more immersive gaming experience while addressing various gameplay issues and introducing fresh content. Let’s dive into the key highlights and detailed changes introduced in this update.

Key Highlights of the Update

Version 1.4.0 of Across the Obelisk stands out with its extensive range of updates, from significant sound system overhauls to the addition of new events and challenges. The update also marks the game’s expansion into new languages, making it more accessible to a broader audience. Players can look forward to new weekly challenges, additional cards and items, and a variety of balance changes aimed at refining gameplay. Furthermore, the update includes numerous bug fixes that address both major and minor issues, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience.

Reworked Sound System

The sound system in Across the Obelisk has undergone a significant overhaul in version 1.4.0. This update introduces a cycling sound system for hit sounds, enhancing the auditory experience during gameplay. Players will notice new drag sounds for cards, differentiated by card type, adding a layer of auditory feedback that was previously absent. Additionally, multiple new sounds have been integrated into the game UI, providing a more immersive interface experience. A distinctive sound now indicates when it is a player’s turn in multiplayer games, ensuring clarity and reducing confusion during turns.

Cycling Sound System for Hit Sounds

The cycling sound system for hit sounds is a notable improvement, bringing variety to the game’s audio feedback. Instead of repetitive and monotonous sounds, players will experience a range of hit sounds that enhance the realism and immersion of the game. This change not only makes the gameplay more engaging but also helps in distinguishing different actions and effects during battles.

New Drag Sounds for Cards

The addition of new drag sounds for cards, based on card type, adds a layer of detail to the game that enhances the overall user experience. Each card type now has a unique sound when dragged, providing players with immediate auditory feedback and helping to differentiate between various actions. This change contributes to a more interactive and satisfying gameplay experience.

New UI Sounds

The game UI has been enriched with multiple new sounds, making interactions within the interface more intuitive and engaging. These sounds are designed to provide immediate feedback to players, enhancing the usability and responsiveness of the game’s menus and options. Whether navigating through settings or selecting options, the new UI sounds ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Multiplayer Turn Indicator

A characteristic sound now indicates when it is a player’s turn in multiplayer games, providing clear auditory cues and reducing the likelihood of confusion. This feature is particularly beneficial in ensuring smooth and efficient gameplay during multiplayer sessions, as players can easily recognize when it is their turn to act.

New Events and Challenges

Version 1.4.0 introduces new events and challenges across all zones, offering players fresh content and diverse scenarios to explore. These new events are designed to add variety and excitement to the gameplay, providing opportunities for players to test their skills and strategies in different contexts. Alongside these events, new response options for heroes have been added, allowing for more dynamic and varied interactions during gameplay.

Zone-Specific New Events

The update brings new events specific to different zones within the game, each designed to add depth and interest to the player’s journey. These events vary in nature and challenge, ensuring that players encounter a wide range of scenarios as they progress through the game. The inclusion of zone-specific events enhances the narrative and provides players with unique experiences tailored to each area.

New Event Response Options for Heroes

Heroes now have a wider array of response options during events, allowing for more nuanced and strategic decision-making. These new response options add layers of complexity and variety to the interactions, making each event feel more dynamic and personalized. Players can now tailor their responses based on the specific abilities and characteristics of their heroes, leading to more engaging and immersive gameplay.

Language Translations

The game has been fully translated into German and French, expanding its accessibility and appeal to a broader audience. This update ensures that players who speak these languages can enjoy the game in their native tongue, enhancing their overall experience and engagement with the game. The translation effort reflects the developers’ commitment to inclusivity and providing a global player base with the best possible experience.

German Translation Details

The German translation of Across the Obelisk is now available, offering a fully localized experience for German-speaking players. This translation covers all aspects of the game, from dialogue and menus to in-game text and descriptions. German players can now immerse themselves fully in the game, experiencing the story and gameplay in their native language.

French Translation Details

Similarly, the game has been translated into French, providing French-speaking players with a comprehensive localized experience. The French translation includes all game elements, ensuring that players can enjoy a seamless and fully immersive experience. This update opens up the game to a wider audience, allowing more players to appreciate its depth and complexity.

Weekly Challenge and Cardback

The introduction of a new weekly challenge and cardback, titled Rise of the Machines, adds a fresh layer of excitement and competition to the game. This challenge invites players to test their skills against new scenarios and earn unique rewards, including a special cardback. The addition of weekly challenges keeps the game dynamic and engaging, offering players new content to look forward to on a regular basis.

Rise of the Machines Challenge

The Rise of the Machines challenge presents players with a series of new scenarios and obstacles to overcome. This challenge is designed to test players’ strategic thinking and adaptability, providing a unique and rewarding experience. Successful completion of the challenge rewards players with exclusive items and recognition, adding an element of prestige to the gameplay.

New Cardback Features

The new cardback introduced in this update features distinctive designs and aesthetics, making it a coveted reward for players who complete the weekly challenge. The cardback not only serves as a visual enhancement but also as a symbol of the player’s achievements and skills. This feature encourages players to participate in weekly challenges and strive for excellence in their gameplay.

New Cards and Items

Version 1.4.0 adds four new cards and four new items to the game, each designed to enhance the gameplay and provide players with additional strategic options. These new additions offer fresh tactics and combinations, allowing players to refine their strategies and explore new gameplay possibilities. The inclusion of new cards and items keeps the game evolving and ensures that players have access to a diverse and dynamic toolkit.

Overview of New Cards

The four new cards introduced in this update each belong to different classes, offering unique abilities and effects. These cards are designed to complement existing strategies while introducing new tactical options. Players can experiment with these cards to discover new synergies and optimize their decks for various scenarios. The new cards add depth and variety to the gameplay, encouraging players to continuously adapt and innovate.

Overview of New Items

In addition to new cards, the update includes four new items, each with distinct attributes and benefits. These items provide players with additional tools to enhance their heroes’ abilities and improve their chances of success in challenging situations. The new items are carefully balanced to fit seamlessly into the existing game mechanics, offering players more options to customize their gameplay experience.

Wolf Wars Changes

The Wolf Wars DLC receives significant updates in version 1.4.0, including the introduction of two new skins and changes to skins accessibility. The new skins, Young Reginald and Young Thuls, offer players new visual options for their characters, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the game. Additionally, all skins, both new and old, can now be used from the start upon owning the DLC, without the need for unlocking them first. This change makes the DLC more accessible and enjoyable for players, allowing them to fully utilize their cosmetic options from the beginning.

New Skins: Young Reginald and Young Thuls

The new skins for Young Reginald and Young Thuls bring fresh visual styles to the game, allowing players to customize their characters with unique appearances. These skins are designed to add variety and personalization to the gameplay experience, giving players more options to express their preferences and style. The new skins are a welcome addition, enhancing the overall visual diversity of the game.

Skins Accessibility and Usage

With the update, all skins, including the new ones, can now be used from the start upon owning the Wolf Wars DLC. This change eliminates the need for players to unlock skins through gameplay, making them immediately accessible and usable. This improvement enhances the value of the DLC and provides players with instant gratification, allowing them to enjoy their purchased content without delay.

Balance Changes

Version 1.4.0 introduces several balance changes aimed at refining the gameplay experience and ensuring fair and challenging encounters. These changes address various aspects of the game, from boss immunities to card adjustments, ensuring a more balanced and enjoyable experience for players. The balance changes are designed to provide a fair challenge while maintaining the game’s strategic depth and complexity.

Boss Immunity Adjustments

The update removes immunity to Weak in all bosses for Adventure mode, except for Archon Nhir in Madness mode. This change makes bosses more susceptible to various tactics and strategies, allowing players to utilize a wider range of abilities and effects during battles. The removal of immunity enhances the tactical flexibility and depth of gameplay, providing players with more options to approach encounters.

Archon Nhir HP and Shield Changes

Archon Nhir’s base HP has been reduced by 10% in Madness mode and by 15% with the Despair Corruptor. Additionally, the Apotheosis enchantment has been adjusted to increase shield charges gained when hit in the blue and yellow versions. These changes are designed to balance the difficulty of encounters with Archon Nhir, making them challenging yet manageable for players. The adjustments ensure that players face a fair and engaging challenge without feeling overwhelmed.

Other Balance Modifications

Various other balance modifications have been implemented to fine-tune the gameplay experience. These changes include adjustments to damage, shield charges, and various effects to ensure a balanced and fair playing field. The balance modifications aim to provide players with a challenging yet enjoyable experience, encouraging strategic thinking and adaptability.

Card Updates

The update includes numerous card changes designed to refine gameplay mechanics and provide players with more strategic options. These changes encompass a wide range of cards, each receiving adjustments to their abilities, effects, and rarity. The card updates are intended to enhance the overall balance and strategic depth of the game, ensuring that players have access to a diverse and dynamic deck of cards.

Detailed Card Changes

Several cards have received updates to their abilities and effects, making them more balanced and effective in gameplay. For example, Atonement now includes the Fire Spell tag, and Blade Flurry’s blue upgrade applies bleed, while the yellow upgrade provides fury instead of poison or bleed. These changes are designed to enhance the tactical versatility of the cards, allowing players to explore new strategies and combinations. The detailed card changes ensure that each card serves a unique and valuable role in the game, contributing to a well-rounded and engaging gameplay experience.

Impact of Card Changes on Gameplay

The card changes introduced in version 1.4.0 have a significant impact on gameplay, providing players with new strategic options and enhancing the overall balance of the game. The adjustments to card abilities, effects , and rarity ensure that players can create diverse and effective decks tailored to their playstyle. These changes encourage experimentation and strategic thinking, making each encounter and scenario more dynamic and engaging. The impact of the card changes is designed to enhance the overall player experience, providing a more balanced and enjoyable game.

Bug Fixes

The update addresses a variety of bugs and issues, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. These fixes range from major gameplay problems to minor visual glitches, each contributing to the overall stability and quality of the game. The bug fixes are a crucial part of the update, addressing player feedback and improving the game’s performance and reliability.

Major Bug Fixes

Several major bugs have been fixed in this update, including issues that prevented the game from launching final combats and problems with pets being incorrectly displayed as sold in towns. These fixes ensure that players can enjoy a seamless and uninterrupted gameplay experience, free from major technical issues. The resolution of these major bugs enhances the overall stability and reliability of the game, providing a more polished and enjoyable experience.

Minor Bug Fixes and Text Corrections

In addition to major fixes, the update includes numerous minor bug fixes and text corrections, addressing small but significant issues. These fixes include resolving visual glitches, correcting shader problems, and making small text corrections throughout the game. The attention to detail in addressing these minor issues ensures a high-quality and polished gameplay experience for players. The minor bug fixes and text corrections contribute to the overall improvement of the game’s performance and user experience.


The Across the Obelisk version 1.4.0 update brings a wealth of new features, improvements, and fixes designed to enhance the player experience. From the reworked sound system and new events to the addition of new cards and items, this update provides players with fresh content and refined gameplay mechanics. The balance changes and bug fixes ensure a fair and enjoyable experience, while the language translations expand the game’s accessibility to a global audience. Overall, this update solidifies Across the Obelisk as a continually evolving and engaging game, with more exciting updates anticipated in the future.

  • What are the main features of the version 1.4.0 update?
    • The main features of the version 1.4.0 update include a reworked sound system, new events and challenges, language translations into German and French, a new weekly challenge and cardback, new cards and items, Wolf Wars changes, balance adjustments, and various bug fixes.
  • How do the new sound changes affect gameplay?
    • The new sound changes enhance the auditory experience by introducing cycling hit sounds, new drag sounds for cards, and multiple new UI sounds. These changes make gameplay more immersive and interactive, providing players with clear auditory feedback during actions and interactions.
  • What new events are introduced in version 1.4.0?
    • Version 1.4.0 introduces new events across all zones, each designed to add variety and excitement to the gameplay. These events offer new scenarios and response options for heroes, making each encounter more dynamic and engaging.
  • How have the balance changes impacted the game?
    • The balance changes in version 1.4.0 include adjustments to boss immunities, HP, and card abilities. These changes are designed to provide a fair and challenging experience, encouraging strategic thinking and adaptability while maintaining the game’s depth and complexity.
  • What bug fixes were included in this update?
    • The update includes fixes for major issues such as problems with final combats and pet displays, as well as minor fixes for visual glitches and text corrections. These fixes ensure a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience, addressing player feedback and improving the game’s overall stability.