Among Us Update 2023.7.11: Introducing Quick Chat and Ghostface Collaboration

Among Us Update 2023.7.11: Introducing Quick Chat and Ghostface Collaboration


Dive into the thrilling world of Among Us with the latest update, version 2023.7.11. This comprehensive update introduces exciting new features, including the Quick Chat system and the return of the Ghostface collaboration. Discover how the Quick Chat system revolutionizes communication among players, streamlining coordination and strategy. Immerse yourself in the suspense of the Ghostface collaboration, where you can unmask the imposter or fall prey to their cunning tricks. Explore the fixes for achievements and cosmetics, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience. Enhancements such as controller compatibility, color coded Crewmate names, and the removal of distracting elements provide a smoother gameplay journey. Access the update on Nintendo Switch and join the ever-growing community of space adventurers in Among Us.

Among Us Update 2023.7.11

The Among Us community is buzzing with excitement as Innersloth releases the highly anticipated update, version 2023.7.11. This update introduces a range of new features and fixes that enhance the gameplay experience. Among the standout additions are the Quick Chat system and the Ghostface collaboration, which are sure to bring fresh thrills to your interstellar adventures. Let’s delve into the details and explore the exciting changes in Among Us.

New Features and Fixes

Quick Chat system: How it works and benefits

The highlight of the update is the introduction of the Quick Chat system. This intuitive communication feature revolutionizes the way players interact within the game. With the new builder sliding out from the right side of the screen, you can effortlessly choose from a range of predefined remarks and phrases. This streamlined communication option ensures quick and efficient exchanges between players, making coordination and strategizing a breeze.

Ghostface collaboration: Details and gameplay elements

Fans of the iconic Scream franchise will be delighted to know that the Ghostface collaboration has made a reappearance in Among Us. This thrilling crossover introduces Ghostface as a playable character, adding a thrilling twist to the game. Will you be the one to unmask the imposter, or will you fall victim to their cunning tricks? The Ghostface collaboration injects an extra dose of suspense and mystery into every match.

Achievements fixes: Resolving common issues

In this update, Innersloth has diligently addressed various issues related to achievements. You can now expect smoother progression and completion of achievements without any frustrating roadblocks. Whether you’re an achievement hunter or simply enjoy unlocking in-game accomplishments, this fix ensures a more seamless and rewarding experience.

Cosmetics fixes: Improvements and visual enhancements

Cosmetics have always played a significant role in Among Us, allowing players to personalize their characters and stand out from the crowd. The version 2023.7.11 update introduces a range of fixes and improvements to the cosmetics system. Enjoy enhanced visuals, additional customization options, and smoother selection and application processes. Express yourself with style and flair as you navigate the deceiving world of Among Us.

Controller compatibility: Opening the map during an Emergency Meeting

For those playing on platforms with controller support, Among Us now allows you to open the map even when the chat menu is active during an Emergency Meeting. This handy addition ensures easier access to the map’s features, enabling better navigation and decision-making in critical situations. With the map readily available, you can swiftly analyze the spaceship’s layout and plan your next move.

Green dot removal: A cleaner main menu experience

Among Us players on the Switch will be pleased to know that the annoying green dot that used to appear in the middle of the main menu after leaving a local lobby has been permanently removed. Enjoy a cleaner and more visually pleasing main menu, free from distracting elements. Dive into the game seamlessly without any unnecessary distractions.

Color coded Crewmate names: Enhancing gameplay visibility

To improve visibility and streamline gameplay, Among Us now features color coded Crewmate names. Each Crewmate’s name will be displayed in their corresponding color, making it easier to identify teammates and differentiate them from potential imposters. This simple yet effective addition enhances coordination and ensures a smoother communication flow during intense matches.

Among Us on Nintendo Switch: Accessing the latest update

Exciting news for Nintendo Switch players – Among Us is now available on the platform, and you can readily access the latest update, version 2023.7.11. Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of deception and teamwork from the comfort of your Switch console. Stay up to date with the newest features and enjoy seamless gameplay with friends and players from around the globe.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Quick Chat

Enabling the Quick Chat system

To utilize the Quick Chat system in Among Us, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Launch Among Us on your device.

Step 2: Go to the settings menu.

Step 3: Locate the “Quick Chat” option.

Step 4: Toggle the switch to enable Quick Chat.

Once enabled, you can access the Quick Chat system during gameplay by sliding out the builder from the right side of the screen.

Navigating through categories and phrases

The Quick Chat system offers refined categories, making it easy to find the appropriate phrases for various situations. Browse through the available categories, such as “Sus,” “Tasks,” “Locations,” and more. Each category contains a selection of relevant phrases that you can use to communicate with other players.

Customizing favorite options

Among the new features of the Quick Chat system is the ability to customize your favorite options. This allows you to prioritize specific phrases that you frequently use. Simply navigate to the “Favorites” section within the Quick Chat builder and select the phrases you want to mark as favorites. These will appear at the top of the list for quick access during gameplay.

Utilizing color coded Crewmate names

With the implementation of color coded Crewmate names, it’s now easier than ever to identify your fellow Crewmates. Each player’s name will be displayed in their respective color, matching their in-game character. This feature enhances coordination and minimizes confusion, ensuring efficient communication and gameplay.

Exploring the visual bounce effect

When using the Quick Chat system, you’ll notice a delightful visual bounce effect accompanying the opening of the builder. This subtle animation adds a touch of liveliness to the user interface, making the communication experience more engaging and enjoyable.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Resolving issues with achievements

If you encounter any difficulties with achievements in Among Us version 2023.7.11, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:

– Restart the game: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary issues.

– Check your internet connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection for proper synchronization of achievements.

– Meet the requirements: Each achievement has specific conditions that need to be met. Review the requirements and make sure you fulfill them to unlock the corresponding achievement.

Enhancing cosmetics selection and customization

To make the most of the enhanced cosmetics system, consider the following tips:

– Explore the updated visuals: Take your time to appreciate the improved aesthetics of the cosmetics. Experiment with different combinations and find the perfect look for your character.

– Try out new options: With additional customization options, there’s a wider range of cosmetics to choose from. Embrace the freedom to express your unique style and personality within the game.

– Enjoy smoother selection: The fixes implemented in this update ensure a smoother and more user-friendly cosmetics selection process. Browse through the available options with ease and make changes effortlessly.

Troubleshooting controller compatibility

If you experience any issues with controller compatibility while playing Among Us, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

– Ensure proper connection: Check that your controller is securely connected to your device.

– Restart the game: A simple restart can often resolve temporary controller-related issues.

– Verify controller support: Confirm that the specific controller you’re using is compatible with Among Us on your platform.

Dealing with residual issues after green dot removal

Although the green dot issue in the main menu has been addressed, some players may encounter residual effects. If you experience any lingering issues related to the green dot after updating to version 2023.7.11, try the following:

– Clear cache: Clearing the game’s cache on your device can help resolve residual issues.

– Contact support: If the problem persists, reach out to Among Us support for further assistance.

Maximizing the benefits of color coded Crewmate names

To fully utilize the color coded Crewmate names feature, keep the following tips in mind:

– Use visual cues for identification: Pay attention to the colors associated with your fellow Crewmates to quickly identify them during gameplay.

– Coordinate efficiently: With color coded names, communication becomes smoother. Assign colors to specific tasks or strategies to improve coordination with your teammates.

– Confirm visually: When discussing players or identifying potential imposters, refer to their color coded names for clear and concise communication.


Innersloth’s Among Us version 2023.7.11 update delivers a host of exciting additions and fixes that enhance the overall gameplay experience. The new Quick Chat system enables effortless communication, while the Ghostface collaboration adds an extra layer of suspense. With improvements to achievements, cosmetics, and controller compatibility, players can expect a smoother and more enjoyable time in the vastness of space. Among Us continues to evolve and captivate players, ensuring that every match brings fresh excitement and strategic challenges.

  • Q: How can I enable the Quick Chat system in Among Us?
    • A: To enable the Quick Chat system, go to the settings menu and toggle on the “Quick Chat” option. You can then access it during gameplay.
  • Q: What are color coded Crewmate names in Among Us?
    • A: Color coded Crewmate names allow players to easily identify their teammates. Each Crewmate’s name will be displayed in their corresponding color.
  • Q: Can I use a controller to open the map in Among Us during an Emergency Meeting?
    • A: Yes, if the chat menu is open during an Emergency Meeting, you can use a controller to open the map. This provides easier access to the map’s features.
  • Q: How can I troubleshoot achievements in Among Us version 2023.7.11?
    • A: If you encounter issues with achievements, try restarting the game, verifying your internet connection, and ensuring you meet the specific requirements for each achievement.
  • Q: What are the improvements to cosmetics in Among Us update version 2023.7.11?
    • A: Among Us update version 2023.7.11 includes various fixes and enhancements to cosmetics, such as improved visuals, additional options, and smoother customization.