Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2: Bug Fixes, Enhancements, and Exciting Updates

Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2: Bug Fixes, Enhancements, and Exciting Updates


Embark on a thrilling gaming experience with Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2. This update brings a myriad of bug fixes, gameplay enhancements, and optimizations that elevate the adventure to new heights. Discover a world teeming with swashbuckling excitement as you navigate through improved gameplay, overcome challenges, and unravel the mysteries of the high seas. Join the rat crew and set sail for an unforgettable journey filled with action, exploration, and danger.

The Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2 introduces a host of improvements to enrich your gaming experience. Let’s dive into the details of each section:

Patch 1.1.2: Bug Fixes, Enhancements, and Exciting Updates

Curse of the Sea Rats is an exciting adventure game that takes players on a thrilling journey through a pirate-infested world. In this latest patch, version 1.1.2, the developers have focused on enhancing the gameplay, addressing various bugs, and optimizing the performance. Prepare to set sail once again as we uncover the exciting updates in Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2.

Crashes and Optimization

In this patch, the developers have diligently worked on resolving crash issues to ensure a smoother gaming experience. They have fixed a crash that occurred when entering a room in the Flying Rat’s Hole area, eliminating any interruptions to your exploration. Additionally, a crash during the Long Fuse Jones boss fight has been resolved, allowing players to progress and complete the game without any hindrances.

To optimize the overall performance, the developers have implemented changes to reduce loading times when changing rooms. This enhancement ensures seamless transitions and a more immersive gameplay experience. Furthermore, they have fine-tuned the ambient sounds and music, striking a perfect balance to enhance immersion while minimizing any delays during room changes.

Bug Fixes

The Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2 addresses several bugs that players have encountered during their adventures. One notable fix is related to the Spirit Points glitch, which allowed players to obtain an excessive amount of this currency. With this bug resolution, the gameplay remains fair and balanced, providing a more enjoyable experience.

Another welcome addition is the ability to speed up and skip the credits when finishing the game. This feature allows players to swiftly move on to their next thrilling adventure, saving time and maintaining the momentum of their gaming session.

To ensure that players can fully explore every corner of the game world, the developers have added the missing Amelio’s treasure map in Tuatha Dé Danann Temple. Now, you can embark on a treasure hunt and uncover hidden riches without any obstacles.

The Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2 also includes fixes for various enemy-related bugs, such as AI issues, placement errors, and collision problems. These fixes enhance the combat experience, ensuring that battles are challenging and engaging without any technical issues.

The developers have diligently worked on resolving visual issues that players may have encountered throughout their playthrough. From minor graphical glitches to more noticeable inconsistencies, these fixes polish the game’s visual presentation, providing a more visually immersive experience.

In the third phase of the boss fight against Long Fuse Jones, an AI issue has been rectified. This fix ensures that the boss fight progresses smoothly, allowing players to face this formidable adversary without any unexpected behavior.

Other bug fixes include resolving issues with the backpack that caused problems when exiting and loading a saved file. Additionally, the Treasure Map bug, which caused marks to be missing, has been fixed, allowing players to follow the clues accurately and discover hidden treasures.

The Meanwhile scenes, which play a crucial role in storytelling, had a bug that prevented players from obtaining the Timothy drawings. This bug has been resolved, enabling players to fully immerse themselves in the captivating narrative and unlock all its secrets.

The Quick Inventory experienced a bug that led to duplicated items, potentially causing confusion and disrupting the gameplay loop. The developers have addressed this issue, ensuring that the inventory functions smoothly without any duplication errors.

During the Cursed Ship Flora Burn boss fight, a blocker prevented players from progressing. This frustrating obstacle has been eliminated, allowing players to face the challenge head-on and emerge victorious.

In the ending backtrack section, there was a display issue with enemy levels. This discrepancy has been resolved, providing accurate information and allowing players to strategize accordingly.

Gameplay Enhancements

To address player confusion and streamline progression, the developers have added the ability to break stones during the ending backtracking section. This improvement ensures that players can navigate the environment without unnecessary complications, enabling a smoother and more intuitive experience. Although this is a quick fix, the developers are actively working on a more comprehensive solution to further enhance the overall gameplay mechanics and provide a seamless backtracking experience.

In addition to the stone-breaking feature, the Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2 introduces the removal of Cursed Ship’s lockpick doors, except for the final one. This adjustment aims to streamline navigation and eliminate any unnecessary backtracking, allowing players to progress through the game more efficiently.

To refine the level design elements, the developers have implemented tweaks that enhance the overall gameplay flow. These adjustments ensure that the game world feels cohesive, immersive, and offers a balanced challenge to players as they explore and face various obstacles.

Balancing Changes

Balancing plays a crucial role in providing a fair and enjoyable gameplay experience. In Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2, the developers have focused on addressing certain balancing aspects to fine-tune the overall gameplay mechanics.

One notable change involves the Battle Cry skill of Douglas and the healing skills of Bussa. The developers have carefully rebalanced these abilities, ensuring that they align with the intended difficulty curve and offer a balanced gameplay experience.

To maintain consistency and challenge throughout the game, the incorrect Ghost enemy level in the Tuatha Dé Danann Temple has been corrected. Players can now engage in thrilling encounters with enemies that appropriately match their skills and progress.

In the spirit of fairness and economy, the pricing for a few store items has been adjusted. These changes aim to provide players with a balanced in-game economy, ensuring that the prices align with the value and rarity of the items offered.

Additionally, the developers have rebalanced the pricing for Premium Whool, a valuable resource in the game. This adjustment ensures that the in-game economy remains balanced and offers a satisfying progression system for players.

Sound Improvements

Immersive audio is a crucial element in creating an engaging and captivating gaming experience. In the Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2, the developers have added and improved several sound effects, enriching the overall audio landscape of the game.

These new sound effects contribute to a more immersive and dynamic environment, enhancing the player’s sense of presence and heightening the overall gaming experience. Furthermore, the developers have diligently balanced the volume of various sound effects and music, ensuring that players can enjoy a harmonious auditory experience without any jarring discrepancies.


Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2 delivers an array of exciting updates that enhance the overall gaming experience. From bug fixes and optimization to gameplay enhancements and balancing changes, the developers have diligently worked to create a smoother, more immersive, and enjoyable adventure for players to embark upon.

With the resolved crashes, optimized loading times, and various bug fixes, players can now navigate the game world with confidence, experiencing fewer interruptions and enjoying a seamless gameplay flow. The addition of gameplay tweaks, such as the ability to break stones and the removal of lockpick doors, streamlines progression and eliminates unnecessary obstacles, allowing players to focus on the captivating narrative and challenging encounters.

The rebalancing efforts ensure that the gameplay remains fair, challenging, and rewarding, providing a balanced experience for players of all skill levels. The sound improvements add an extra layer of immersion, enhancing the overall atmosphere and bringing the game world to life with enhanced audio fidelity.

Embark on an unforgettable journey in the updated Curse of the Sea Rats and experience the thrills, mysteries, and treasures that await you on the high seas.

  • 1. Q: Can I apply Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2 to my existing save file?
    • A: Yes, the patch is compatible with existing save files. You can continue your adventure seamlessly after applying the update.
  • 2. Q: Are the gameplay enhancements available from the beginning of the game, or do I need to reach a certain point?
    • A: The gameplay enhancements introduced in Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2 are available throughout the game. You can experience these improvements from the moment you start your adventure, enhancing your gameplay experience from beginning to end.
  • 3. Q: Will the bug fixes in the patch resolve all known issues in the game?
    • A: The developers have made extensive efforts to address various bugs and issues in Curse of the Sea Rats. While the patch resolves a significant number of known issues, it’s always possible that some rare or unique bugs may still exist. The developers continue to monitor player feedback and are committed to providing ongoing updates and support to ensure the best possible gaming experience.
  • 4. Q: How can I access the updated sound effects and music?
    • A: The updated sound effects and balanced music volume are automatically incorporated into the game when you apply Curse of the Sea Rats Patch 1.1.2. Simply launch the game after updating, and you’ll experience the enhanced audio immersion throughout your adventure.
  • 5. Q: Will the balancing changes affect my current progress in the game?
    • A: The balancing changes introduced in the patch aim to improve the overall gameplay experience. While these changes may impact certain aspects of gameplay, they are implemented to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players. Your current progress should remain intact, and the balancing adjustments should provide a more satisfying and rewarding journey.

Remember, before applying any updates or patches, it’s always recommended to back up your save files to prevent any potential data loss.