Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered Updates: Patch Notes and Enhancements

Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered Updates: Patch Notes and Enhancements


We will delve into the recent updates for Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered on the Nintendo Switch. Both games have received significant improvements and fixes to enhance the player experience. We will explore the patch notes in detail, highlighting the changes made to address various issues and optimize gameplay. From the rebind option for the red cloak in Teslagrad 2 to graphical glitch fixes in Teslagrad Remastered, these updates aim to provide a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. Stay informed and discover what’s new in these captivating platformers.

Teslagrad Updates and Patch Notes

The Nintendo Switch has become home to a wide range of exciting games, including Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered. Recently, both titles received updates that introduce numerous improvements and fixes. Let’s dive into the patch notes to uncover the specific changes made to enhance these games.

Teslagrad 2 Updates

Teslagrad 2, the sequel to the acclaimed puzzle-platformer, has received several noteworthy updates. Let’s explore the key changes:

Broken or Missing Functionality Changes

– Fixed missing rebind option for the red cloak, providing players with more control and customization options.

– Addressed a rare corner-case issue where the character Lumina would teleport to a ledge she had previously been next to when reaching the same height as the ledge.

– Resolved a bug where Lumina would remain permanently charged by volt walkers after respawning upon death.

– Fixed the Moose boss dropping pickups outside the boss fight arena if it died too close to the edges of the arena.

– Eliminated duplicate instances of Lumina if a player exited to the menu during a time trial and then loaded the same game.

– Ensured the path back to the viking platform exists, even if the player returns to the main game area before completing the platform.


– Rectified several instances where sounds ignored the audio settings, resulting in a more immersive and consistent audio experience.

– Fixed incorrect audio zone borders in the underworld, ensuring accurate soundscapes for players.

– Patched holes in several roofs to prevent unintended access or visual inconsistencies.

– Addressed killfields in various levels that players could pass under, adjusting the damage type and ensuring consistent challenge and experience.

– Implemented numerous visual fixes to ensure objects appear where they should and remove any instances of visibility issues.

– Optimized GPU performance in many levels, leading to smoother gameplay and improved frame rates.

– Corrected the positioning and spelling of some runes for better visual consistency and clarity.

Teslagrad Remastered Updates

Teslagrad Remastered, an enhanced version of the original Teslagrad, has also received significant updates. Let’s explore the key improvements:


– Updated the end credits to provide a more polished and satisfying conclusion to the game.

– Fixed a graphical glitch in the ‘Secrets’ section, ensuring a seamless visual experience for players.

– Added a 10-second maximum duration before the map button hint fades out, providing players with ample time to grasp the controls.

– Improved the controller rumbling when using Dualshock 4, enhancing the tactile feedback and immersion during gameplay.

– Introduced sound effects to the teleporters leading to the challenge rooms, making their functionality more apparent.

– Reduced memory usage by eliminating unused textures, optimizing the game’s performance on the Nintendo Switch.

– Removed a hole that allowed players to escape the game world, ensuring a more contained and immersive experience.

– Smoothed out certain edges in floors and walls where players could get momentarily stuck, improving the overall flow of gameplay.

– Enhanced enemy behavior, specifically their ability to climb ledges when the camera isn’t focusing on them, resulting in more dynamic encounters.

– Streamlined the transition during teleportation, providing a seamless and fluid experience.

– Enabled boxes in the fernus boss battle to travel to other scenes, expanding the interactive possibilities and adding depth to the gameplay.

– Made the equipment button hint disappear when entering the main menu, eliminating any unnecessary visual clutter.

– Updated some store art to improve visual consistency and appeal.

– Fixed a bug where Oleg and some of his soldiers lost track of the player during the bossfight, ensuring a challenging and fair gameplay experience.

How to Access the Updates

To access the updates for Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered on the Nintendo Switch, ensure that your console is connected to the internet. Once connected, the updates should be automatically downloaded and installed if you have enabled automatic updates. Alternatively, you can manually update the games by navigating to the eShop on your Switch, searching for Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered, and selecting the option to update the software. Once the updates are installed, you can enjoy the enhanced versions of these captivating platformers.


With the recent updates for Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered, players can expect a more refined and enjoyable gaming experience on the Nintendo Switch. The patch notes highlight the dedication of the developers to address issues, improve functionality, and optimize performance. Whether it’s the rebind option for the red cloak in Teslagrad 2 or the graphical and audio enhancements in Teslagrad Remastered, these updates bring significant improvements to the games. Stay up-to-date with the latest updates and make sure to explore the exciting changes in Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered.

  • Q1: Can I access the updates for Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered on platforms other than the Nintendo Switch?
    • A1: The updates mentioned in this article are specifically for the Nintendo Switch versions of the games. Updates for other platforms may vary, and it’s recommended to check for updates through the respective platform’s update system.
  • Q2: How often do Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered receive updates?
    • A2: The frequency of updates depends on the developers and their ongoing efforts to improve the games. It’s always a good idea to enable automatic updates or periodically check for updates to ensure you’re benefiting from the latest enhancements.
  • Q3: Are these updates free of charge?
    • A3: Yes, updates for Teslagrad 2 and Teslagrad Remastered on the Nintendo Switch are typically provided free of charge. Developers often release updates to enhance the player experience and address any issues that may have been identified after the game’s initial release.
  • Q4: Can I access the patch notes for previous updates?
    • A4: While this article covers the most recent updates, it’s possible to find patch notes for previous updates on the official websites of the games or through community forums. Developers often provide detailed information about each update, showcasing the changes made and improvements implemented.
  • Q5: Will these updates affect my saved progress in the games?
    • A5: In most cases, updates do not interfere with saved progress. However, it’s always recommended to back up your game saves or ensure you have automatic cloud saves enabled to avoid any potential data loss during the update process. Refer to the specific instructions provided by the game developers or the console manufacturer for more information.