Dr. Serkan Toto – Nintendo Switch Pro lanceert in 2020

Dr. Serkan Toto – Nintendo Switch Pro lanceert in 2020

Dr. Serkan Toto, een van de meest gerespecteerde industrieanalisten in de industrie, publiceerde een artikel over wat volgens hem in 2020 zal gebeuren.

Een van zijn belangrijkste voorspellingen is de Nintendo Switch Pro, die volgens hem in 2020 zal verschijnen. De Switch Pro, zegt hij, zal waarschijnlijk na de zomervakantie dit jaar worden gelanceerd tegen een prijskaartje van USD399.

Nintendo Switch Pro lancering

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Nintendo will launch a “Switch Pro” in 2020, my guess is at $399. More specifically, I predict 4K support, bigger cartridge sizes, and of course beefed-up components. I also think the device will launch after the summer holidays to counter the roll-out of the PS5 and next-gen Xbox later in the year – along with a first-party, system-seller game.

Serkan gelooft ook dat we dit jaar meer Microsoft-spellen op Nintendo Switch en een groot smartphonespel van Nintendo zouden zien. En meer;

More Microsoft games on the Switch

The love affair between Microsoft and Nintendo is likely to continue, with more big Xbox games landing on the Switch. I am skeptical about xCloud coming to the Nintendo device in 2020, however.

Further rise of subscriptions

I expect Sony to finally roll PlayStation Now and Plus into one price in 2020. Microsoft is also likely to add xCloud to one of their already existing service bundle deals. Next year, Nintendo will also add N64 games to Switch Online. These services mark a major turning point for the business model of video gaming – even though on mobile, I predict Apple Arcade to lose its thunder in 2020 already.

Spectacular game on mobile from Nintendo

At the time of writing, Nintendo still hasn’t announced what comes after Mario Kart Tour for smart devices. The follow-up must be a big name, so I expect another hit franchise from the company to land on mobile in 2020, i.e. a Zelda app or Smash Bros (don’t laugh) co-developed with a new partner. Next year should also see the release of the first Nintendo apps in mainland China.