Releases – I – Nintendo games die beginnen met “I”
Totaal aantal games; 179
- I am Ball (Nintendo Switch)
- I Am Dead (Nintendo Switch)
- I am Setsuna (Nintendo Switch)
- I and Me (Nintendo Switch)
- I C REDD (Nintendo WII U)
- I dream of you and ice cream (Nintendo Switch)
- I Hate Running Backwards (Nintendo Switch)
- I Love Finding Cats! – Collector’s Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- I Love Finding Critters! – Collector’s Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- I Love Finding MORE Cats! – Collector’s Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- I Love Finding Pups! – Collector’s Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- I Saw Black Clouds (Nintendo Switch)
- I wanna fly (Nintendo Switch)
- I, AI (Nintendo Switch)
- I, Zombie (Nintendo Switch)
- I.F.O (Nintendo Switch)
- ibb & obb (Nintendo Switch)
- ibb & obb (Nintendo Switch)
- Ice Age Scrat’s Nutty Adventure (Nintendo Switch)
- Ice Climbers (Nintendo amiibo)
- Ice Cream Surfer (Nintendo Switch)
- ICEY (Nintendo Switch)
- Iconoclasts (Nintendo Switch)
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms (Nintendo Switch)
- Idle Inventor – Factory Tycoon (Nintendo Switch)
- Idol Manager (Nintendo Switch)
- IdolDays (Nintendo Switch)
- If Found… (Nintendo Switch)
- If My Heart Had Wings (Nintendo Switch)
- Ignatius (Nintendo Switch)
- IHUGU (Nintendo Switch)
- Ikai (Nintendo Switch)
- Ikaruga (Nintendo Switch)
- Ike (Nintendo amiibo)
- Ikenfell (Nintendo Switch)
- Illusion of L’Phalcia (Nintendo Switch)
- IMMERSE LAND (Nintendo Switch)
- Immortal Planet (Nintendo Switch)
- Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars (Nintendo Switch)
- Immortal Redneck (Nintendo Switch)
- Immortus Temporus (Nintendo Switch)
- Imp of the Sun (Nintendo Switch)
- IMPLOSION (Nintendo Switch)
- Impossible Mission (Nintendo Switch)
- In Between (Nintendo Switch)
- In Celebration Of Violence (Nintendo Switch)
- In My Shadow (Nintendo Switch)
- In Other Waters (Nintendo Switch)
- In rays of the Light (Nintendo Switch)
- In the Mood (Nintendo Switch)
- IN-VERT (Nintendo Switch)
- inbento (Nintendo Switch)
- Incineroar (Nintendo amiibo)
- Incredible Mandy (Nintendo Switch)
- Indie Darling Bundle Vol 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Indie Darling Bundle Vol. 1 (Nintendo Switch)
- Indie Gems Bundle – Explosions Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Indie Gems Bundle – JRPG Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Indie Gems Bundle – Nonograms edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Indie Puzzle Bundle Vol 1 (Nintendo Switch)
- Indiecalypse (Nintendo Switch)
- Indigo 7 Quest for love (Nintendo Switch)
- Indivisible (Nintendo Switch)
- Induction (Nintendo Switch)
- Indygo (Nintendo Switch)
- Inertia: Redux (Nintendo Switch)
- Inertial Drift (Nintendo Switch)
- Inexistence Rebirth (Nintendo Switch)
- Infection – Board Game (Nintendo Switch)
- Infectra (Nintendo Switch)
- Infernal Radiation (Nintendo Switch)
- Infernax (Nintendo Switch)
- Infernium (Nintendo Switch)
- Inferno 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Infestor (Nintendo Switch)
- Infini (Nintendo Switch)
- Infinite – Beyond the Mind (Nintendo Switch)
- Infinite Adventures® (Nintendo Switch)
- Infinite Golf 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Infinite Links (Nintendo Switch)
- Infinite Minigolf (Nintendo Switch)
- Infinite Tanks WWII (Nintendo Switch)
- InfiniteCorp: Cyberpunk Card Game (Nintendo Switch)
- Infliction: Extended Cut (Nintendo Switch)
- INK (Nintendo Switch)
- Ink Cipher (Nintendo Switch)
- Inked: A Tale of Love (Nintendo Switch)
- Inkling (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Boy (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Boy (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Boy (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Girl (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Girl (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Girl (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Squid (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Squid (Nintendo amiibo)
- Inkling Squid (Nintendo amiibo)
- InkSplosion (Nintendo Switch)
- InkyPen (Nintendo Switch)
- Inmost (Nintendo Switch)
- Inner Voices (Nintendo Switch)
- InnerSpace (Nintendo Switch)
- Inops (Nintendo Switch)
- Insert before flight (Nintendo Switch)
- INSIDE (Nintendo Switch)
- Inside Grass: A little adventure (Nintendo Switch)
- Inside Her (bedroom) (Nintendo Switch)
- Inside My Radio (Nintendo Switch)
- Inspector Waffles (Nintendo Switch)
- INSTANT Chef Party (Nintendo Switch)
- Instant Farmer (Nintendo Switch)
- Instant Sports (Nintendo Switch)
- INSTANT SPORTS All-Stars (Nintendo Switch)
- Instant Sports Paradise (Nintendo Switch)
- Instant Sports Plus (Nintendo Switch)
- Instant Sports Summer Games (Nintendo Switch)
- Instant Sports Winter Games (Nintendo Switch)
- INSTANT TENNIS (Nintendo Switch)
- International Basketball (Nintendo Switch)
- International Boxing (Nintendo Switch)
- International Table Tennis (Nintendo Switch)
- Interrogation: You will be deceived (Nintendo Switch)
- Into A Dream (Nintendo Switch)
- Into the Breach (Nintendo Switch)
- Into the Dead 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Inua – A Story in Ice and Time (Nintendo Switch)
- Inukari – Chase of Deception (Nintendo Switch)
- Invasion of Alien X – Earth in Crisis (Nintendo Switch)
- Invasion Waves (Nintendo Switch)
- Inventioneers (Nintendo Switch)
- INVERSUS Deluxe (Nintendo Switch)
- INVERT (Nintendo Switch)
- Invirium (Nintendo Switch)
- Invisiballs (Nintendo Switch)
- Invisible Fist (Nintendo Switch)
- Invisible, Inc. Nintendo Switch Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Invisigun Reloaded (Nintendo Switch)
- Ion Fury (Nintendo Switch)
- iota (Nintendo Switch)
- Iris and the Giant (Nintendo Switch)
- Iris School of Wizardry -Vinculum Hearts- (Nintendo Switch)
- Iris.Fall (Nintendo Switch)
- Iro Hero (Nintendo Switch)
- Iron Crypticle (Nintendo Switch)
- Iron Snout (Nintendo Switch)
- Iron Wings (Nintendo Switch)
- IRONCAST (Nintendo Switch)
- Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love (Nintendo Switch)
- Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Familia Myth Infinite Combate (Nintendo Switch)
- Is it Wrong to Try to Shoot ’em up Girls in a Dungeon? (Nintendo Switch)
- Isabelle (Nintendo amiibo)
- Isabelle – Summer Outfit (Nintendo amiibo)
- Isabelle – Winter Outfit (Nintendo amiibo)
- ISLAND (Nintendo Switch)
- Island Farmer (Nintendo Switch)
- Island Flight Simulator (Nintendo Switch)
- Island Maze (Nintendo Switch)
- Island Saver (Nintendo Switch)
- ISLANDERS: Console Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Isoland (Nintendo Switch)
- Isoland 2 – Ashes of Time (Nintendo Switch)
- Isolation Story (Nintendo Switch)
- Isolomus (Nintendo Switch)
- Istanbul: Digital Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- It came from space and ate our brains (Nintendo Switch)
- It Takes Two (Nintendo Switch)
- It’s Raining Fists and Metal (Nintendo Switch)
- It’s Spring Again (Nintendo Switch)
- Itadaki Smash (Nintendo Switch)
- ITTA (Nintendo Switch)
- Ittle Dew (Nintendo Switch)
- Ittle Dew 2+ (Nintendo Switch)
- Ittle Dew 2+ (Nintendo Switch)
- Ivanych vs. Eared Beast (Nintendo Switch)
- Ivysaur (Nintendo amiibo)
- izneo (Nintendo Switch)