Monolith Soft wervingsbericht

Monolith Soft wervingsbericht

Xenoblade Chronicles-ontwikkelaar Monolith Soft is bezig met een rekruteringsactie voor hun volgende project, dat op dit moment onbekend is.

Tetsuya Takahashi, de baas van Monolith Soft, heeft onthuld dat het team op zoek is naar een verscheidenheid aan programmeurs, planners, artiesten, ontwerpers en management.


I’d like to extend a particularly big invitation to applicants interested in becoming programmers, map modelers, and level designers. Naturally, programmers are the cornerstone of a game’s development – to that end, we want to strengthen the relationship between them and the game maps that are Monolith Soft’s strong suit. It’s my belief that this is all so that we can create worlds that are more enjoyable for the customer to experience.

The game’s maps are the vital point of an RPG – by no means is it something like the story.

Without well-made maps, the game won’t stand on its own; on the other hand, though, they allow everything else to fall into place with relative ease. Based on experience, I can make that kind of statement with certainty, and everybody else at Monolith Soft feels the same way. Even just being involved in that area of the game’s creation is both extremely important and rewarding.

You can make games. You can create worlds. You can become a cornerstone of Monolith Soft.

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