Valve koopt Firewatch studio Campo Santo

Valve koopt Firewatch studio Campo Santo

Campo Santo heeft onthuld dat het is gekocht door Valve. De studio, die bekend staat om de ontwikkeling van de veelgeprezen Firewatch, maakte de aankondiging in een recente blogpost met details over de reis die leidde naar de toetreding tot Valve.

Je kunt erop vertrouwen dat Campo Santo nog bezig is met het voltooien van de huidige projecten, waaronder een Nintendo Switch-versie van Firewatch.

Een paar quotes van Valve’s overname

If you’re the type of person who gives two flips about this news, we can elaborate a little bit on this big decision. First, we really like making video games. Furthermore, and perhaps more accurately, we really like making and producing entertainment. From the day-to-day production of our last game, Firewatch, to the way we run the company, make merchandise, meet players at expos and shows, send out a quarterly literary journal, throw open-to-the-public game demos in the middle of an artificial forest—all of it is geared towards surprising, delighting, and entertaining the customers who have shared in our success.
In Valve we found a group of folks who, to their core, feel the same way about the work that they do (this, you may be surprised to learn, doesn’t happen every day). In us, they found a group with unique experience and valuable, diverse perspectives. It quickly became an obvious match.

Yes, we’re still making In the Valley of Gods (as a Valve game!); yes, we’ll still support Firewatch; and yes, we’ll still produce The Quarterly Review and our regular blog content. Thanks so much for your interest in our games and we’ll see you in Washington. Cheers.