Matt Thorson; Celeste patch spoedig

Matt Thorson; Celeste patch spoedig

Destructoid ging zitten met Celeste developer Matt Thorson om te praten over het succes van de game, en wat de toekomst zal zijn voor Celeste.

Thorson onthulde dat ze sinds de lancering “bugs repareren en kleine veranderingen in het spel aanbrengen”.

Thornton over Celeste

Thorson also announced that the game will be getting a patch soon. Thorson even had some positive things to say about the Nintendo Switch, so here’s what he said in full:

As soon as we played the Switch, we knew it was a great fit for Celeste. We also had a hunch that Celeste would resonate with Nintendo’s audience, and that the game would find a home there. We’re going to patch Celeste first, and then start working on porting TowerFall.

The Switch version of Celeste has sold the most, and that’s what we were expecting. We feel like Celeste and the Switch are a perfect fit for each other. We are glad we launched on all consoles though, and we really appreciate the support we’ve seen across the board.

The reception has blown us away. When you’re working on something for so long in relative secret, part of the challenge is keeping perspective on it. It’s easy to forget about what makes your game special and focus on the flaws, so when reception is positive it kind of blindsides you. We’ve got some great feedback and we’ve been fixing bugs and making small changes to the game since launch.

There’ll be a patch soon that will address most of that!

DLC aub!

Hier hopen we nog steeds op meer Celeste, zoals in DLC, hoewel we de hoofdcampagne en enkele b-kanten nog maar hebben voltooid. En ja er zijn zelfs c-kanten van levels.

Celeste is gewoon prachtig op zijn eigen charmante manier en zoals je misschien hebt gemerkt in de recente nieuwsuitingen, geven we de game wat meer aandacht omdat we zijn verbluft door hoe goed deze titel op de Nintendo Switch werkt. We kunnen gewoon al dromen van DLC voor de titel!