Shigeru Omori wil populaire Pokemon-spellen maken

Shigeru Omori wil populaire Pokemon-spellen maken

Game Freak plaatste een nieuw item op hun wervingswebsite dat individuen verleidt om voor het bedrijf te werken en deel uit te maken van de toekomst van de Pokemon-franchise. Shigeru Omori, directeur van het zeer succesvolle Pokemon Sword and Shield, is er een van.

In het artikel zei hij dat het belangrijkste doel van hem en het ontwikkelingsteam is om nieuwe technologie te gebruiken om Pokemon-spellen te bouwen die “de indruk wekken dat Pokemon bestaat en onder ons leeft”.

De toekomst van Pokemon-spellen

Even after 20 years, the Pokemon franchise is still going strong. Omori says that even if he thinks that the game is perfect, there are always new ideas after the project is over. He added that Pokemon will continue to change with new technology, new development teams and with new ways of playing games. Omori wants to create Pokemon games that gamers desire, and give the feeling that Pokemon exists and lives with us.

It might be surprising to hear that every Pokemon title is made in an entirely different way. Team members try not to rely on experience, and enjoy tackling the new challenge given to them. Iwao emphasised that no matter the work, if you do it long enough it will eventually become tedious. With Game Freak however, there are always new opportunities and positions, and being able to join in gear projects means it never gets repetitive and never gets boring.

With the vast amount of experience spanning over 20 years, a unique system that allows youths to experience failure and success and a company continuing to change generations, Pokemon will continue to evolve.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus, het volgende deel in de Pokemon-serie, wordt op 28 januari uitgebracht.