Team up with Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Rabbid Peach, Rabbid Luigi, and their friends on a galactic journey to defeat a malevolent entity and save your Spark companions. Explore planets throughout the galaxy as you uncover mysterious secrets and compelling quests!
- Build your dream team with three heroes from an eclectic roster of nine.
- Take down all new bosses, along with some familiar enemies throughout the galaxy.
- Rescue the uncanny Sparks throughout the galaxy, who provide distinct powers that will help you in battle.
- Unleash your heroes’ skills but be strategic as you dash your enemies, team jump on your allies, and hide behind covers.
Release info - Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
Release date
Demo available
DLC available
Max players
Age rating
NS Online support
Game code
Cloud Saves support
Voice Chat support
HD Rumble support